What is Compline?
Compline (from the word completion) is sung by candlelight by the Christ Church Anglican Compline Choir from 8 – 8:30 p.m. every Sunday night. All are welcome. Compline, or night prayer, is a Christian service of worship coming from monastic life in the Middle Ages. It consists of psalms, short passages of scripture, hymns and canticles, and prayers. As it has for centuries, Compline appeals for protection and peace in the night that is to come, and thanks for safe passage through the day that has passed.
Silence and time for interior reflection are often identified as the most powerful and moving characteristics of the Compline service. The 16-voice ecumenical auditioned choir expresses through their weekly worship concern for the nurture and care of the soul, recognizing and responding to the hunger for the transcendent presence of God in our lives. Come, say good night to God.
Please note: If you have interest in singing in the choir, please contact the Director, Mark K. Williams.
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