We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ:

CREATION: All of creation was made good, with humanity as its very good crown – created in the image of God, the delight of His heart.

FALL: Humanity rebelled, seeking to be god rather than to submit to God, and began to live life selfishly rather than according to His goodness. In this rebellion, we have bound ourselves under sin, evil, and death. This results in alienation from God, from one another, from creation, and even from ourselves, and brings us under God’s righteous judgment.

REDEMPTION: God, in His mercy and great love for us and for all of creation, entered into the world to save people and to renew his creation: Jesus Christ, God in flesh, came to free us from sin, evil, and death. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, conquered evil and death, and was exalted as King overall.

INVITATION :We are invited to be reconciled to God and participate in the renewal of all creation. This requires repentance from our old way of life, having faith in Christ’s act of love and mercy, and having a new life of grace and love with the Holy Spirit. This can begin now. Join with us in worship, as we come to God in our need, confess our sins, receive His forgiveness, hear His word, and are nourished by His self-giving love in the bread and wine. Please speak to one of our pastors if you’d like to learn more about forming a relationship with this God who loves you already.

Our Mission

Founded in 1733, Christ Church Anglican exists to worship Christ, form disciples, deepen genuine community and serve others both near and far, all with the Gospel of our Lord.

Our Vision

Christ Church Anglican seeks to be a Gospel-centered congregation in the Anglican tradition, where worship is central, catechesis is pervasive, life together is nurtured and mission extended from Thomas Square to the city of Savannah, the Diocese and the world, wherever God may call us. Christ Church Anglican is a congregation committed to:


Glorifying God in our worship and strengthening our Gospel-oriented identity in the Anglican tradition.


Developing a culture of passing on the faith from cradle to grave through intergenerational experiences on Sunday and throughout the week.

Life Together

Loving one another as a parish family, while building a supportive community for all people in every stage of life.


Growing into a church for the Thomas Square Neighborhood and beyond – interacting, engaging, and serving those in need.

“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5