Parish Life Opportunities

Below is a list of all service opportunities for enriching our parish life and worship. To learn more or become involved in these opportunities, please email

We have several cleaning teams who assist in the clean-up after parish-wide events by cleaning dishes, breaking down and putting away tables and chairs, and doing any light sweeping needed. This is a low-stress way to serve the church and volunteers need only a willingness to serve.

The Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those persons that the clergy request; they are often those who are home bound, in nursing homes, or in hospice. Some they visit once each week and others once each month. Those who serve in this ministry are also trained Eucharistic Ministers, so they are familiar with administering communion from serving in this capacity during worship.

The Feastmakers, under the direction of our Deacon/Chef Greg Malley, help prepare the larger food functions in the church, such as First Sunday Breakfast and Parish Dinners. The group is lively and fun, and the only skills needed are a willing spirit and the desire to help create better community through careful food preparation. No previous cooking skills are needed, only a generous heart and a desire to work as part of a great team. Feastmakers generally gather one to two hours before a meal is served and help to clean up the kitchen afterwards.

The Food for Friends Committee organizes meal deliveries to members of the congregation who are blessed to have meals provided during times in their lives that make cooking difficult: after the birth of a baby, or during a hospitalization, illness or bereavement. Meals can be homemade or purchased. Serving meals to those who can’t provide for themselves blesses both the recipient and the giver.

Hospitality is the time after our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service where all gather for a time of refreshments and fellowship. Members of the Hospitality Guild serve several times throughout the year by preparing finger food for the congregation to eat and helping to serve the food and clean up the kitchen afterwards. There is minimal training needed and those of all ages and stages are welcome to join in.