Overview of Our Church Governance
The two primary governing bodies of the church, the Vestry (“Where are we going?”) and the Council (“How are we going to get there?”), are clarifying their roles in relationship to each other and in bringing greater consistency and follow through to their various areas of responsibilities. All who hold positions of leadership receive regular training and shepherding as they not only lead but develop and equip leaders within their ministries. Our Church governance is composed of a nine member elected Vestry and a 12– 14 member vestry appointed Council.
The Vestry is the “Strategic” arm of the parish, serving as the board of the corporation, overseeing management of the physical plant and finances, and assisting the Rector in matters of personnel. More importantly, vestry members are called to be examples to the flock and work alongside the Rector in guiding the parish.
Vestry members are elected by the parish for three year terms. Nominations are held in January of each year to replace those who have completed their terms.
The Council is the “Tactical” arm of the parish, focusing on communication, coordination, and collaboration in ministry.
Twelve to fourteen people, usually committee chairs or ministry team leaders, are appointed by the Vestry for one-year terms and may be re-appointed indefinitely along with full-time program staff. The Council Warden chairs the meetings.