Our Anglican Heritage

We cherish our Anglican heritage and find its history, continuity, and practical tools for being a follower of Jesus a helpful way of living out the Christian life. Anglicanism’s distinctive tradition began when the Church of England emerged from the Reformation in the 16th century. Anglicanism features a vibrant commitment to Biblical authority and a rich liturgical tradition rooted in the Book of Common Prayer. Today there are over 85 million Christians in the world who identify as Anglican, with notable growth in Africa and Asia in recent years.

We believe the Bible is God’s Word written and delight in its message of His love for us in Jesus Christ. We find our joy in the Gospel and its liberating message offered to all people. As faithful disciples, we seek to understand and experience Christian community in all of its richness. And for those who are seeking God or have questions about the Christian Faith, we wish to be a safe and loving place for honest questions and inquiring hearts.

Further details about our beliefs can be found in our province’s catechism, To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism.


We worship using the Book of Common Prayer 2019. Physical copies are available for purchase at Anglican House Publishers.

Christ Church Anglican is a member of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese in the Anglican Church of North America.