Holy Week

Holy Week is the most important week of the Church calendar. Join us as we gather in worship.  For those of you who cannot join us in person several of our services will be livestreamed through our YouTube channel (Christ Church Anglican, Savannah). These service times are marked with an “^” . During Holy Week the Orders of Worship for these services will be made available in PDF format on this page.

We are also providing nursery for infants through four years old at some of these services. These service times are marked with an “*”.

March 24 – Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. The procession with palms calls to mind the triumphal entry of Jesus, our Lord and King, into Jerusalem. We also hear a reading of the passion, which is a dramatic shift, ushering in the somber reality of Christ’s death on the cross.

  • Palm processions begins at 10:30 a.m. leaving from Thomas Square Park.
  • Palm branches will be provided or you may bring your own to wave.

Service Times

  • Holy Eucharist, 8 AM, Nave
  • No Sunday School or Gospel Play
  • Liturgy of the Palms with Holy Eucharist, 10:30 AM^*, Procession begins in Thomas Square Park.
    Order of Worship: 2024 Palm Sunday 1030 AM Mark
  • Compline, 8 PM^, Nave

^ Service will be livestreamed

*Nursery available for infants through four years old.

March 28- Thursday

Maundy Thursday begins the Triduum, the sacred three days. The liturgy celebrates the Last Supper and commemorates the Lord’s example of servant ministry. It concludes with the Stripping of the Altar signifying Christ being taken away to the cross.

Service Time 7 PM ^*

March 29 – Friday

The second day of the Triduum is the most somber of all days. Good Friday reminds us of the agony and suffering of Jesus and the brutality of his death on the cross for our sins. Christ took all sin upon himself, in obedience to his Father’s will.

Service Times:

  •  Noon, Nave
  •  7 PM^*, Nave

A Stations of the Cross service will also be offered at 3 p.m.

March 30 – Saturday

The Great Vigil, celebrated on Holy Saturday, is the first liturgy of Easter Day and moves from the darkness of Jesus’ death to the light of his resurrection. We share the joy of our Savior’s triumph with the sacrament of baptism or renewal of our baptismal vows, lighting of the Paschal candle and peals of bell ringing!

  • Bring a bell to ring.

Service Time: 8 p.m. Please meet in the front of the 37th Street Narthex doors.

Nursery is not available for this service.

March 31 – Sunday

For our Lord is Risen indeed!  Alleluia! Easter Sunday we rejoice and celebrate the victory of our mighty King and Risen Savior.  He is no longer dead but was truly and physically resurrected.

Service Times

  • Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10:30 AM^*, Nave
  • No Sunday School or Catechesis classes
  • Compline, 8 PM^, Nave