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This Sunday will have a change to our regular worship schedule there will be one Holy Eucharist service at 8. Morning Prayer and our Christmas Pageant will be during our 10:30 a.m. service* ^ No Sunday School for children and youth.

Adult Sunday School – Fr. Joe Gasbarre “The O Antiphons: An Ancient Advent Tradition.” Each O Antiphon emphasizes a unique prophetic title of the soon-to-be-born King of Kings, as foreshadowed in the Old Testament by the prophet Isaiah. You might recognize these antiphons from the beautiful Advent hymn “O Come O Come Emmanuel.”

Compline is sung at 8 p.m. in the Nave.

*Nursery is available at this service. Our Nursery is located downstairs in the Wesley Wing and open for infants through 4 years.

^Livestreamed through YouTube. To join or see a recording visit our Livestream Page for a link to our YouTube channel and service bulletin.